
With a background in spatial design, I have worked with various ​agencies to create immersive, interactive spaces. From VR and ​3D environments to physical installations, I craft experiences ​that blend technology and creativity. My work spans exhibitions, ​digital spaces, and multimedia installations, all tailored to ​engage and inspire.

Tools & frameworks: cinema4D, Vectorworks, threeJs, Fectar.

Ro​bot city



For this project, I collaborated with an architect tasked with designing ​a city specifically for robots to train their machine learning models in ​a physical environment. The concept revolved around creating a ​digital space that would simulate these training grounds for robotic ​interactions.


My role involved translating the architect’s sketches and concepts ​into a fully developed digital environment. This project was ​showcased at the WTC in Rotterdam, allowing viewers to virtually ​walk through the space alongside a robot.




Earthly Matters is a VR experience that explores communication ​between two plants in a speculative AI-driven future. The project is ​created in for the VR experience “impossible bodies” with Stichting ​Niet Normaal.


In this autonomous project, I developed a VR experience and ​produced a film that allowed users to immerse themselves in the ​dialogue of these AI-powered plants.

Heineken star bottle



This project was commissioned by Heineken, while I worked for Oil ​for Live Communications. The brief was to design an interactive ​experience featuring the Starbottle print.


I designed how a glowing print extended throughout the room. Under ​normal lighting it appeared as a regular space, but when the lights ​would dimm a glowing pattern lit up the space. I designed how the ​print would fill the room, made the technical drawings and rendered ​the visuals. Showcasing a wall made of bottles and the magic of the ​print.




Wh​at does a world look like, when dreaming of water during heat?


A ​dreamy landscape of oasis.

SK​VR wishes



The SKVR employs artists and educators in the Randstad area for ​educational purposes, offering lessons in Rotterdam and inviting ​schools from other cities to participate. Each year, the SKVR ​commissions an artist to create a New Year's wish. My goal was to ​map the educators’ activities and encourage them to reflect on their ​aspirations.


I interviewed the educators using an interactive chatbot, allowing ​them to share their New Year's wishes. I collected the data, ​visualized it in graphs, and presented the messages in a 3D model of ​the city.

Read an interview about the project: ​here:

Elise Marcus

Design ​your ​future